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Blanco UK supports young kitchen designer

* Blanco-UK-supports-designer.jpgBlanco UK has, once again, sponsored an aspiring young kitchen designer, Beth Elson, so that she can progress her career by taking a course with The Kitchen Education Trust (TKET) in Bucks University.

Beth completed her first year of the course in June, having been on three trips where she was able to interact with speakers from the industry and visit various kitchen locations, including the Roundhouse factory, Miele Experience Centre and the Weald and Downland Museum.

* Drawing.jpgNot only has the course given Beth the chance to make friends with fellow students with like-minded career paths, it has also tested her knowledge and thought process as a designer. The course encourages 'out of the box' thinking for design creativity and refreshingly encouraged hand drawing skills in a modern world of CAD packages drawings.

Beth comments: "The whole experience has been very exciting and I cannot wait to find out what is in store for my second year."

Pictured are the drawing of the kitchen design and the real-life kitchen.

T: 01923 635 200
W: www.blanco.co.uk

2nd November 2018

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